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Bake N Drizzle

Bake N Drizzle

Birmingham, Alabama

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Bake N Drizzle is a local home food artisan based in Birmingham, specializing in a variety of delectable treats including cakes, cupcakes, donuts, cakesicles, cake pops, baklava, kunafe, and cheesecakes. They also offer dessert tables and cake toppers for special occasions. With their stunning creations and attention to detail, Bake N Drizzle is dedicated to providing high-quality and delicious baked goods that will satisfy any sweet tooth. For inquiries and orders, customers can contact them through direct message. Recent posts by Bake N Drizzle showcase their talent for creating beautiful and mouthwatering cakes. From a first birthday celebration to a bridal shower and even a wedding, their cakes are the highlight of every event. Their Instagram posts feature stunning designs, such as pink floral decorations and elegant wedding cakes. Bake N Drizzle also demonstrates their commitment to charity with their Cakes4Pakistan initiative, where they donate all proceeds from their cakes to aid the people of Pakistan. With their irresistible flavors such as vanilla, chocolate, and lemon, Bake N Drizzle is the perfect choice for those looking for delicious cakes while contributing to a good cause during Ramadan.

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Birmingham, Alabama

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