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Stephanie Bright

Stephanie Bright

Birmingham, Alabama

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Stephanie Bright is a local home food artisan specializing in custom cakes and treats for any occasion. With a proud history of serving Birmingham, AL, and surrounding cities since 2008, Stephanie brings her passion for baking to create delightful and visually stunning confections. Her talent and attention to detail are evident in every creation, ensuring that each client receives a personalized and delicious dessert experience. Stephanie recently shared some of her latest creations on social media, showcasing her expertise and creative flair. From lightning-fast race car-themed cakes to a sandlot-inspired design, her posts display a range of imaginative approaches. Stephanie's versatility shines through in her ability to transform an ordinary steak and potato into an edible masterpiece. Alongside her culinary achievements, Stephanie also encourages self-care, promoting solo vacations for personal enrichment. Her upcoming fishing adventure, seeking out trophy-worthy bass, exemplifies her adventurous spirit and dedication to her craft.

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Birmingham, Alabama

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