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The Gluten Free Honeybee

The Gluten Free Honeybee

Birmingham, Alabama

The Gluten Free Honeybee hasn't verified their listing yet. Contact them directly for more info or to place an order.


The Gluten Free Honeybee is a local home food artisan that specializes in creating the most delicious cakes, cookies, and pies made with all gluten-free ingredients. Their creations are not just "good for gluten-free," they are simply good! With a focus on quality and taste, The Gluten Free Honeybee offers a wide variety of treats that cater to gluten-free lifestyles. Whether you're craving cakes, cookies, or pies, you can enjoy these delectable delights without worrying about gluten. Every bite is a delightful experience that will leave you wanting more. Recently, The Gluten Free Honeybee excitedly announced their participation in the upcoming event @vintagemarketdaysofbhammetro. Their Instagram posts showcase their amazing creations, ranging from gluten-free cookies and macarons to cupcakes and frostedsugarcookies. In addition, The Gluten Free Honeybee is offering exciting extras, including red velvet and white chocolate macarons, as well as vanilla and double chocolate cookies. Their passion for their craft shines through in every post, and they invite their followers to join them at the event to experience their delectable treats firsthand.

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Birmingham, Alabama

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