It’s the New Year! Valentine’s, Easter, and Mother’s Day seem to be a distant thought. Today, you recover from the holiday chaos, take down the tree, and give your kitchen a long-overdue deep clean. Kids go back to school and the house is quiet. For just a moment, you breathe.
Suddenly, out of nowhere it seems, it’s mid-January and Valentine’s Day is around the corner. You snap back to reality and have a rude awakening: it’s time to plan for your next holiday presale.
A knot forms in your stomach as you remember how chaotic your Christmas presale was. The hours spent managing countless DMs, CashApps, Venmo requests. The time spent sorting through order details and manually tracking inventory. How you forgot to post that your presale was over, causing you to oversell product, leading to confusion, refunds, and unhappy customers. If only there was a better way.
Sound familiar? Thankfully, Castiron has completely transformed presale management for the baker, leading to less stress for you, and giving you more margin during your busiest of baking seasons.
Enter: the brand new presale experience on Castiron.
Castiron has everything you need to run a seamless presale:
- A separate shopping experience for your customers on your Castiron website, complete with presale-specific fulfillments. No more confusion about pick-up times or what's part of your presale!
- Presale scheduling. Create your presale whenever it works for you, then schedule it to go live on your predetermined date.
- Presale reporting. Learn from each sale with downloadable reports from each sale.
- And as always, user-friendly presale creation and management.
Here's what this could look like for you.
Creating Your Presale
Creating a presale on your Castiron website can be done in less than five minutes. Start by adding your products to your presale. Throw in your Valentines Day sets, Mother’s Day greeting card cookies, you get the idea. Next, select a fulfillment to go with your Presale. Customers will ONLY be allowed to select the fulfillment option(s) you choose in this step, making it super easy for you to control your presale schedule. Next, “go live” or choose to schedule your presale at a later date. If you choose to schedule your presale, Castiron will automatically publish and unpublish your presale at the times you select, so you never have to worry about overselling, or turning your sale “on” or “off”. Sit back, relax, and let Castiron handle the rest!

Shopping the Presale
Your presales will have their own page on your website! Under your unique presale page, customers can add products to their cart, and select the fulfillment option that you’ve chosen to accompany the presale. No more confusion about which fulfillment option to choose, or what’s part of your holiday special!
Rocking Your Presale.
Stress-free presales are a breath of fresh air. Castiron’s e-commerce and inventory management ensures that you never over-sell. Keep your customer and order data in one place, rather than digging through DMs, Facebook, or text messages to keep everything in one place. Finally, download Castiron’s presale reports to track your presales’ performance and learn for next time!
Check out Castiron's step-by-step presale guide here to get started today. Don't have an account with Castiron? There's never been a time to join. Signup for just $1 a month.